Esthetic Orthodontics

[Only you will know you are wearing braces.]

Dr. Grauer offers several options for concealing braces to fit your lifestyle. Your treatment will attain better results in less amount of time than traditional braces using these methods:

Clear braces:

Dr. Grauer employs the same computer custom-designed treatment plans and appliances using Insignia ceramic braces that he does with metal braces. Available in both traditional and tieless styles with Insignia, these options are ideal for all levels of orthodontic treatment. Colored to mimic individual tooth shades, these brackets also prevent staining or discoloration over time, assuring you’ll look great throughout your treatment. invisalign


This approach to straightening teeth uses a custom-made series of aligners created for each patient. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that a patient simply wears over the teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift the teeth into place, based on the exact movements that Dr. Grauer plans.